Monday, January 9, 2012

"Be My Battlemaster" and other Krogan pick up lines..

An amazing compiled list of Krogan pick up lines:

"Be my battlemaster"

"You when I am your battlemaster it requires other services...Some of which don't have protection"

"Take me to your homeworld."

"And you thought the Thresher Maul was dangerous"

"I  may not have Salarian flexibility, but i have Krogan endurance"

"Those aren't my scales"

"I wear this armor to contain my mating prowess"

There are some things on the krogan homeworld, rituals, that others must not look at because they are too big to be contained in a cargo hold, Shepard."

"Thats no thresher maul"

"humans are soft, until I get to them."

"No amount of medigel will prepare you for this"

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