Monday, January 9, 2012

Krogans are like Klingons...

How many of you have played Mass Effect and notice that Krogans are like Klingons.  From the harsh battle mentality, to their search for the meaning of their life in battle, a Krogan is like a Klingon...but that is NOT a bad thing.  Actually its great...which is another reason Shepard needs a Krogan.  What ship isn't complete without a Krogan or Klingon?  NONE.  yes NONE. 

Their homeworld is ugly, much like the Klingon homeworld depicted in Star Trek. 

For comparison:
ugly dog...similar to the ones found on Kronos (a Klingon Planet)

ugly Klingon homeworld...

This is great though, we want ME to be like Star Trek...

Because admit it...This picture of Kirk with a Klingon looks hot.

so does Wrex and a human:

YEP..  that says it all..

you can check out some amazing discussion about Wrex here :

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